This Formula Saves You Hours On Mid-Year Reviews

by Lisa Bodell for Forbes

As many companies enter mid-year review season, my team and I are constantly cultivating ways to simplify this process for clients. While I’m a fan of the growing trend to swap traditional performance reviews for continuous feedback or quarterly conversations, many companies haven’t yet made the leap.

For leaders and managers who are inundated with mid-year reviews, we’ve created a one-sheet for feedback that can be completed in 45 minutes or less. It’s known as the F.O.C.U.S. formula and includes a mix of questions to answer before meeting with the employee and during your meeting.

1. Foundational: What is this employee doing well? Specifically, what are 1-3 of their standout skills? What accomplishment in the past six months are they most proud of? (Add employee’s response here.)

2. Opportunities: Where does this employee want to grow? (Add employee’s response here.) In which areas would you like to see this employee develop skills? How do they fit into the org’s overall plan for success?

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