Transform for the Future

Plan for tomorrow, today.

Toolkit includes

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9.79 minutes on-demand video

3 downloadable resources

Learner level

Individual Contributor, Team Leader

Who this is for

This toolkit is tailored for team leaders and individuals looking to enhance their strategic foresight abilities so they can proactively address business challenges and seize new opportunities.

Toolkit overview

Staying ahead requires not just anticipating and reacting to change, but leading it. This toolkit gives you futuring and foresight tools to proactively shape your organization’s future, turning potential threats into opportunities for growth.

Navigating the future in today’s volatile business environment can be daunting. This toolkit offers you the skills and tools to not just survive but thrive. Using techniques like 'Picture the Future' and 'One Year From Now,' you’ll learn to communicate big ideas and craft a compelling, forward-thinking vision for your organization. Anticipate challenges and external threats through our 'Kill the Company' exercise, enabling you to transform potential risks into strategic advantages. Empower yourself and your team with the capability to drive success in an uncertain future.

Toolkit outcomes

  • Enhance your ability to foresee and shape future trends in your industry

  • Establish a strategic vision that aligns with long-term organizational goals

  • Safeguard your business from emerging threats to maintain competitive advantage

  • Drive innovation and adaptability in rapidly changing markets

  • Improve team coherence and focus on strategic objectives

What you’ll learn

  • Communicate big ideas and strategic visions using the 'Picture the Future' tool

  • Create a detailed, forward-thinking organizational vision with the 'One Year From Now' tool

  • Kill the company by proactively identifying weaknesses and external threats.

  • Align and build enthusiasm in teams for future initiatives

  • Translate visionary thinking into actionable strategies

Skills you’ll develop